January 1, 2001

Hope everyone had a happy new year! Best wishes to all in 2001! =)

Sorry for the lack of updates to the updates page! =) I have been updating. I just never get around to updating this page.

Two new collages added to the Gillian gallery. Shattered and Pink. Pink was made with Paint Shop Pro (which I just recently downloaded the evaluation version of). I haven't quite gotten the hang of PSP, so it's a rather simple collage. There's also a new collage in the season 8 gallery. It's a post ep collage for Via Negativa (which I loved, by the way). You can see the collage here.

The About the Site page is up and I finally got the links page finished. If you want your link included send me your site's name and URL. If you'd like to link to me, you can use a banner from the Link To Me page. I went banner making crazy after I downloaded PSP! There are also three banners made by Sarah of The Mulder and Scully Art Gallery. Thanks Sarah!!

December 9, 2000

Today I uploaded all of my episodic collages. I now have a Season 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 gallery. I haven't made any collages from the 3rd and 5th season, so that's why there is no season 3 or 5 gallery.

My most recent collage is located here. It is an episodic collage for Roadrunners. Feedback is ALWAYS welcome! =)

That's all for now. Remember, I'll be making a links page soon, so if you have a link you want included, send it in!

December 3, 2000

The About Me page is up. I'd love it if you'd take a look at it to get to know a little bit about me, but also because at the bottom of the page there are links to many of the charities and causes I support. Many of them allow you to donate something (like food, land, etc.) for free. (Paid for by sponsers.) So get right over there! :)

I added a new collage to the Mulder and Scully gallery. You can view it here.

That's about it. I am going to start working on the links page within the next couple days, so if you have a link you'd like me to include, email me with the name of the site, and the URL. Enjoy tonight's episode!

November 26, 2000

This whole site is pretty much new! I'm still in the process of getting everything up. So far I have the Episodic Season 1 and Season 2 gallery up, and I have the Mulder and Scully gallery up. I hope to get everything up within the next few weeks, so check back!

As many of you know, I recently shut down my previous site due to a lack of time. I never had time to update anymore, and the little time I do have to be online I want to spend making collages, so I decided to make an artwork site just for my collages.

I'd like to remind everyone of the collage contest at my old site. The collage contest is still running and voting will be up sometime in the next couple weeks. This is the last month that I will be hosting a collage contest, but Decemberlady, from At Times...I Almost Dream is going to be taking over and hosting a collage contest of her own. There are also collage contests at The Asylum for X-Philes and Eternal Constants.



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